Tips And Tricks For Storing Your Clothing

In the present year, we have more access to clothing, clothing accessories, and footwear than ever before. After all, there are so many ways to obtain such things. We can shop in brick and mortar stores, but we can also shop online. Even hand me downs and used clothing have remained quite popular indeed, with the average person living in the United States now buying up to ten pounds of used clothing over the course of each and every year. In total, it has been found that the average American will actually consume very nearly 70 different articles of clothing – and seven new pairs of shoes on top of that.

While such accessibility is great, especially for those among us who are particularly tuned into the fashion world, storage becomes another problem. For while the size of the typical American home has more than doubled over the past half of a century or so, so too have the number of material possessions we own. Throughout the typical home, you’re likely to find no less than 300,00