You’ll Ditch Plastic Forever with These Five Reuseable Bags

Consumers have been exposed to the harrowing statistics surrounding plastic bags ever since reusable bags appeared on the scene. From cloth Trick-or-Treat bags to wine totes in bulk, reusable bags make good sense for merchants and their customers alike.

The average consumer will use a plastic bags for only 25 minutes, usually for the trip home from the store or mall. High quality reusable bags are the smart alternative to plastic bags. Here are five types of reusable bags that consumers love.

Halloween Trick or Treat bag

Even though these are seasonal items, they’ll enjoy use long after the treats have been handed out and the tricks performed. Reusable trick or treat bags are a great way to introduce kids to the economic and environmental benefits off reusable bags.

Insulated Bags

Insulated bags emblazoned with your store branding are a great way to gain free exposure without the hassle of traditional advertising. Consumers can tote their perishables home from