Designing Weddings Is Stressful Take A Bite Out Of Your Stress By Using These Design Tips

It’s time to plan out the wedding. You’ve got your schedule, your supplies…you’re just about ready to go!

…Whoops. It looks like you’re starting to go a little over budget. You’ve got some furniture to spread around your outdoor or indoor space, which is good. You’ve also got a rather lovely color scheme to tie everything together. When you start to go over your mark it can be incredibly frustrating doubling down and even getting rid of some of the accessories you’ve been dying to use. When in doubt? Just put some extra effort toward your tablecloths, table linens and chair linens.

When you have the right faux burlap and fitted tablecloth cover, everything falls into place.

Weddings crop up on a regular basis. Every year sees an average of two and a half million weddings performed in the United States alone. How much happen every weekend? No less than 44,000! As you can imagine, the equipment rental and table linen industry has seen steady figures thanks to all this activity. It also means you won’t have to search very hard for faux burlap to give your wedding that complete (and rustic) appearance.

Speaking of which…what style are you going for? Rustic weddings have seen a particular rise in interest as of late, with many eschewing the clean and pristine classic look in favor of an old-fashioned feel straight out of the 1800’s. One study found ‘banquet hall wedding’ searches having remained rather flat over the past 15 years, with most ‘rusting wedding’ searches originated in the United States. Faux burlap is a durable and trendy way to kill two birds with one stone.

Planning out a wedding isn’t a cakewalk (for lack of a better word!). According to WeddingWire’s 2017 Newlywed Report? Over 60% of brides say they feel a lot of pressure to create the perfect wedding. This can lead to people going over budget and deeply regretting it later. Every year sees over 85,000 searches for wedding decorations, ranging from colorful napkins to faux burlap table covers, and that number is actually expected to increase over the coming years. How do you keep stress from being invited into the wedding reception?

Keeping these basic figures in mind will help you figure out whether you’re going overboard. The average number of wedding guests these days is 135 or so. This, of course, can change depending on how many friends are invited and how large everyone’s family happens to be! The average party size that requires a caterer is anywhere between 100 and 250 people, to boot. One study found the average businessowner within the catering industry works roughly 60 hours per week. Phew!

When you want to keep your brow free from sweat and your heart light with anticipation, keeping yourself organized is key. Invitations need to be mailed out two months in advance, both to give people time to prepare and to give out-of-town guests a window of opportunity to drop by. This also helps you out if anyone decides they’re unable to make it and you can make adjustments to the furniture you need! This means only the faux burlap tablecloth you need.

Your faux burlap chair coverings and tablecloth can be paired with metal table skirting hangers to keep them from blowing away in the wind. Not only do they keep your dishes and food from shifting around, they couple quite nicely with the rustic theme and hearken back to old-fashioned bars and restaurants. Tablecloth clips come in a variety of sizes and can be both neatly hidden or spread out for everyone to see. The classic color of burlap is a homely brown, but you can find a few other colors to help spread things around.

Feeling a bit washed out after all this work? Keep these figures in mind and use some rustic, durable burlap fabric to cover your tables and chairs. It’ll all come together!

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