Taking your education choices seriously for your child is important, even when looking at preschools. You want to make sure that when you look for private preschools near me you are doing more than just picking the first choice. Here are some questions to ask when you are picking out preschools this year.
Start by asking an educator about what their curriculum is like for students of your child’s age. They should have a detailed answer about the day-to-day activities for the age group or at least be able to refer you to another teacher who will know. Make sure that the curriculum provided lines up with what your child likes to do and will benefit from.
You should also ask about their retention rates. If they have a lot of students leaving for other schools, this might be an indicator that the staff is not great or the facility is run poorly. You can ask about their teacher retention rates as well to see if the administration is an issue.
Visit a prep school with these questions in mind to ensure the best education for your toddler. 87% of five-year-olds were enrolled in prep schools in the U.S. in 2015, and you should make sure that your child is among them.