Anyone who works in the medical industry might have to carry a medical equipment bag from time to time. Generally, the options for doing so with style are a bit limited, but they don’t have to be. Professional medical wear is so limited in fact, that the majority of them wear the same thing every day to work. There is an element of it is uniform related, but that doesn’t mean that the experience of dressing for work shouldn’t be fun and fashionable.
There are over three million registered nurses and 824,886 Licensed Practical Nurses working in the United States, which means there are a lot of medical professionals getting dressed in the morning. The surgical apparel industry is worth about $901 million and the demand is expected to grow over the next five years.
One aspect of dressing as a medical professional includes dressing in scrubs. Scrubs are the particular fit that there for uniform reasons, but these days there are a lot of options for choosing between different patterns. You might not have total control over what you wear to work, but you can choose what colors you feel suit you best.
Another aspect of dressing as a medical professional includes carrying medical equipment bags. Nurses generally carry clinical bags with them, and pharmaceutical reps carry medical equipment bags as well. Now pharmaceutical reps are a bit different than the medical professionals who work in the hospitals since they actually work for the drug companies. Their wardrobe tends to consist of just normal dressed up workwear. But even more reason why pairing the right medical equipment bag is going to be ideal.
Some medical equipment bags and doctor bags are going to be messenger style, while others will be on wheels. Doctor satchel bags can be worn comfortably over the shoulder which also provides easy access to the content of the bag. Larger bags might have wheels on them and need to be rolled behind the person using them. Any sort of medical equipment bag is going to have plenty of storage space in them but the contents can get heavy or unweildy, so sometimes using a rolling bag is the ideal option.