Is it secure to shop online? Is online shopping safe? Yes and yes. Safe online shopping is not an impossibility. Nor is it even all that difficult. In fact, secure internet shopping only requires you follow a few safe shopping online tips, and you will have nothing to worry about the next time you buy 50 Shades of Grey from Amazon.
Firstly, just be aware of what you are doing. That is all. Look at what you are doing, keep an eye on every step of the way. It is that simple. If anything seems peculiar, if something sticks out as odd, then stop. You can have your online shopping cart full, have all of your credit card information in and ready to be submitted, but as long as you have not clicked a button like “confirm purchase”, you have time to back out and not provide any information at all.
The key to safe online shopping is common sense. Such common sense as knowing the site that you are buying from. If it is a big name, it is a reputable source, and therefore can be trusted. If the name sounds familiar, but is a little off (i.e. eboy, Anazom, Narnes and Boble), your red flag should be going off. If it is a lesser known site, but the name is not blatantly fishy, do some research online. You can very often find reviews of sites, and can glean some good information there.
If you cannot find any good information on a site, or cannot find any information at all, do your shopping elsewhere. It is not a guarantee that the site is shady, but better safe than sorry, right? Would you rather pay a few extra bucks at a reputable site, or deal with having your credit card number stolen? Just remember, it is not that hard to manage safe online shopping. You just need to be smart about it.