Brand awareness is extremely important in growing a successful business. Many businesses fail at creating a logo or custom printed banners that are recognizable and related to their business. Many factors go into designing the perfect custom printed banners. As you begin to think about brand marketing and customer awareness, keep the following design tips in mind.
Your signs need to be unique
Going with a sign that is too generic will make it difficult for customer to distinguish between your business and others. The goal is to make a customer think of your business when they see your sign. If you do not create a sign that is unique enough, it is impossible to reach this goal. In order to create a sign that is unique, consider your business. What types of services or products do you provide? What do people think of when they see your business? It can be helpful to get insight from friends, family members, and customers. If possible, even doing a focus group can give you a better idea of where you need to improve and where you are already succeeding when it comes to custom mesh banners.
Signs need to be designed to be readable
That fun and twisty font might seem unique and entertaining, but it can be difficult for your customers to read. You will want to take overall readability into account. Where will most customers see your custom pop displays? What types of locations will your custom printed signs go? If you are designing custom printed banners that will hang outside of your store, you will need a font that is large and easy to read. It is also important, however, that the sign is related to other marketing materials. Try not to go with a smaller and much different font for print ads and then an entirely different font for outdoor custom banners. It will be difficult to create customer recognition.
Use the same design throughout all interior print materials
It might not seem important that your interior signs match your exterior signs, but it might be more important than you realize. Shoppers make about 82% of their purchase decisions in the store. Not only do different designs confuse customers, but it can also portray a feel of discount. When customers view your custom printed banners as unprofessional or discounted, they are not willing to spend as much in your business. According to a 2014 Mass Merchant Study, 16% of unplanned purchases were due to a display noticed while shopping. Interior displays have the potential to significantly increase profits.
Remember that digital marketing is also important
It doesn?t matter if you are catering your business products or services to the local community or to an internet customer base, digital marketing is important in any business. On average, consumers are exposed to 3,000 ads and promotional message every day. In order to get your promotional ad to stick, you have to reach your potential consumers in a variety of ways. Digital creates brand recognition and can create a sense of brand loyalty. As customer gets used to seeing your promotional ads through email, social media, and text, they will feel more comfortable when seeing printed mesh banners in person. This comfort will lead to increased foot traffic and ultimately, increased sales.
Many business owners are always seeking the secret to brand recognition. Brand awareness is important in creating a loyal customer base that will provide you with regular income. While there is no one secret ingredient to increase brand awareness, one of the most important components is the banner, sign, and logo design. Put a little added effort and planning into your logo, custom printed banners, and digital marketing materials. You are likely to find that it pays off in the long term.