Why Custom Logo Beach Towels Make the Best Promotional Items

Custom logo beach towel

With all the associations that beach towels have for different people, they’re an excellent vehicle for advertising. A custom logo beach towel lets people carry home happy memories of their holiday by the sea. Beach towels and beach bags by their very nature are practical items, and can be used for many different purposes. Each time they’re used, they recall a place and perhaps trigger thoughts of returning. It’s hard to think of a more effective promotional item.

What’s your favorite beach towel story?
Consciously or not, everyone has a favorite beach towel story or memory. Mine takes me back to a visit to Edward Gorey House in Yarmouth, Cape Cod. Along with other memorabilia, original artwork and assorted collections of this eccentric genius, there was a beach towel on display. It had only a pair of ballet shoes done in the artist’s unique two-tone style, as part of a promotion for the New York City ballet.
Other beach towel memories could be a backyard picnic, a hiking trip or even a real clambake with all the fixings. Think on your favorite memories, and there’s surely a beach towel in there somewhere. While the stories and jokes about guests stealing hotel towels are probably largely apocryphal, there’s no doubt that people would love to take a solid memento of their seaside holiday home with them. Custom printed beach towels with hotel logos would make a great addition to any gift shop.

Beach towels are fun and practical
Part of the appeal of beach towels is that they’re so practical. They’re the ultimate towels, camp or beach seating, or comfort blanket. With their bright colors and cheerful designs, they have a special appeal for kids and pets. If they carry memories of happy holidays in a beautiful place, so much the better. On the beach of course, they offer comfort and coverage.
Worldwide, seaside holidays are a favorite and more than half, or 52%, of respondents in a survey said they were planning one within the next year. In the U.S. too, with 95,471 miles of shoreline, holidays by the sea are one of the most popular and enduring choices. It can become a family tradition: swimming, ice cream, snoozing or reading in the sun on your favorite beach towel.
Among beachgoers, favorite activities include, besides swimming and walking, sunbathing, napping and reading. A beach towel is essential to each of these. Custom logo beach towels help to associate your company’s brand with these happy memories.

Create your own designs
Thanks to all kinds of new technology, it’s now easier than ever for resorts, motels, B and Bs and campsites to produce their own custom logo beach towels. Many companies now allow you to chose your own designs, which can be emailed or uploaded online. Embroidered beach towels can carry a logo or personal initials.
Once you’ve chosen your design and placed your order, all you have to do is wait for your shipment of luxurious, 100% cotton beach towels with your own designs to be delivered to your front door. Beach towel designs can also consist of embroidered logos, Who knows? It may be time to let your own inner Edward Gorey out of the basement he’s been lurking in.

As a promotional item, it’s hard to beat custom logo beach towels. The associations and happy memories are already written in. Just add your designs or company name and logo, and you’ll be part of the happy memories too.

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