Estate auctions are much different than the typical ways that people get rid of their excess belongings, believe it or not. Indeed, some like to refer to estate sales as antique auctions for the sheer number of vintage collectible items that are being sold off. This means that estate sales present a great opportunity for bargain hunters and antique collectors to snag rare and collectible items.
To help you win at future estate sales, here are a few tips to keep in mind!
1. Be Patient. Be Picky.
Estate sales require shoppers to be thorough, which requires diligence and patience. In order to get the best finds, dig through every box and bin, go through each of the closets and drawers, look in the rooms’ corners, and if you’re methodical, you’ll find unexpected valuables. However as you thoroughly go through everything, you may come across a bunch of items that you’d like. Since you’re on a budget and have limited space to bring things back, it’s best to be picky and get exactly what you want.
2. Should You Haggle?
The prices are usually non-negotiable. However, once the estate sales’ posted hours are over, all bets are off. If people are still shopping when the sale ends, the sales’ managers are usually willing to cut some deals. Don’t get any big ideas and try to offer them a measly 10% of the asking price though, as it might come across offensively. Instead, if you can ask them to knock some of the price off, they may be willing to help you out.
3. Old, Dirty Items Might Be Best.
Typically, you want something new and clean. However, many modern-made things are often lower quality and break easier. Old furniture, tools, and other items are more durable. After all, they’ve stood the test of time thus far, haven’t they? They just don’t make things like they used to. What’s more, these items might be a little dirty, which means you could knock the price down (see above tip). Plus, other shoppers will overlook dirty items. As long as you’re willing to clean, you may be in for a steal.
Estate sales are excellent chances for keen-eyed collectors to find rare, valuable items for their collections. If you keep these estate sales tips in mind, you’ll definitely come out a winner. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. For more about this, go here.