In 2014, consumers spent more than 1.5 billion dollars on camping supplies, with a large portion of that expenditure going towards backpacks and sleeping bags. When those big ticket items are certainly essential for staying warm, dry, and comfortable during those memorable trips to the great outdoors, they aren’t the only thing that is important. Check out this list of travel accessories that are especially helpful for camping trips:
1. Headlamps
Any experienced camper will tell you that this is a must, especially for autumn and winter month camping. When the sun goes down, it’s extremely difficult to clean up after dinner and get ready for the next day, not to mention walk to the latrine, without a flashlight, and you’ll get a lot more done if its mounted on your forehead. Even though you’ll be pretty wiped from days filled with hiking, swimming, and exploring, its nice to know that you can unwind from the day by reading a good book in your tent after dark.
Travel gear is plentiful, and a lot of it is nice to have around. But what do you plan to carry it about in? You’d be surprised how much of a difference a concise, efficient day pack will make to your life when traveling, especially when camping.
Keep in mind that backpack straps can really distribute weight on your body as opposed to hand straps — and that wheels are pretty useless in the woods. Also, your hand will be free to help you keep your balance or grab something on the fly.
Don’t underestimate the power of good, solid, hiking boots. Did you know that clunky boots are a misconception — the lighter the better in most cases. Carrying a certain amount of weight around on your feet requires between 4.7 and 6.4 times as much energy as carrying that amount on your back. In other words, heavy footwear will drag you down in a big way, decreasing your stamina and energy level.
Other helpful things to bring are a compass, outdoor clothing, and lots of granola bars!
Remember to come prepared, but also don’t over-pack! Part of the delights of camping is being disconnected from a lot of the material coils that bind us to our everyday lives at home.