Finding a Great Tattoo or Piercing

For many thousands of years, people around the world have used body art for religious meaning or personal expression, and this goes right up to the modern day. Tattoos are a popular means of body expression, and body art takes all kinds of forms. Some people around the world are known for their huge collections of tattoos from head to toe, and some culture around the world use tattoos in particular ways. Tribal warriors sometimes use tattoos to mark themselves, and the members of the Japanese Yakuza are known for their chest and arm tattoos. Group tattoos can be fun, when a group of friends all get matching tattoos to celebrate an event or idea. Meanwhile, piercings are another popular form of body art. It’s typical for the ears to get pierced for earrings, and cartilage piercing is the norm. But there is more than cartilage piercing, and some people may have pierc

Getting Tattoos Alone or With Friends

Tattoos are a form of body art, like piercings, and they can take all sorts of forms. Most tattoos are like any other form of visual art; that is, personal expression of interests and taste. Other tattoos might even be a memorial for a deceased loved one or pet, or they can have a political message. It’s a matter of personal preference, and a tattoo isn’t “wrong” if its owner likes having it on his or her body. There’s sometimes some negative connotations on tattoos, such as linking them to tough prisoners or crime-prone bikers, but this doesn’t represent all tattoo owners at all. Many tattoos are simply personal expression and art for the body, and while this is a subjective field, many tattoos may be considered beautiful. The same could be said for a body piercing. The best tattoo will not only look great but express the owner as intended. Why might someone try out this form of artistic expression on their body? And what about group tattoos? When is it the right time for group tattoo

Plastic Bags Are Seriously Harmful To The Environment How Heavy Duty Canvas Totes Are Changing Things

Living a green lifestyle is talked about quite a bit these days.

It seems everywhere you turn the words ‘eco-friendly’ and ‘sustainable’ are being used, in one form another. They apply to business practices, personal lifestyle choices…it’s almost inescapable! What does it mean to live green and how can you incorporate that into your business? As the saying goes, ‘less is more’. A lot of good can be done just by adding a few tweaks to routine, even though the changes won’t be noticed for some time yet.

Heavy duty canvas totes are being used in several layers of society and could be just what your business needs to turn heads. Here’s how.

Eco-friendly habits aren’t just a bandwagon trend that’ll pass in a few years. They’ve actually been around for quite some time, but only some businesses have caught on. Scientists have recently estimated that, in just a few decades, there could be more trash than fish in the ocean. That’s on top of rampant deforestation

Creating and Running a Great Fundraiser

Fundraisers are common events across the United States, and fundraising can be done for local charities or other causes, ranging from wildlife conservation to building a school to helping families in need. A fundraiser can take many forms and can vary in scale and scope, but there are some common features that may be found at such an event, such as a fundraising shirt or other fundraising apparel such as headbands. Other items such as banners, flags, flyers, posters, and even large outdoor tents may be used, and some specific events will call for other hardware as well. Custom apparel like a fundraising shirt is just the start; a school or church/synagogue fundraiser may involve tables, obstacle courses, or food preparation, based on the events that will be found there. How often to Americans run or take part in charities, and how can a fundraiser shirt or other items work out? And what a

Ten Reasons You Should Donate Old Clothes Instead Of Throwing Them Out

As of 2014, there were an estimated 22 million military veterans living in the United States and as of 2014, 3.8 million of those veterans were living with a service-connected disability.

There are many ways to go about helping disabled veterans and military families in need. Organizations such as Purple Heart Pickup accept a myriad of items that are donated to military families. Of course there are many organizations that accept clothing donations and many that support charities for wounded soldiers.

Many donated products are given new life in developing nations where individuals purchase used American goods for pennies of their original price. Internationally, more than 14.3 million tons of donated American textiles help clothe people and families worldwide.

If you’re considering helping military families or disabled veterans, there are many reasons to do so. Not only do donations of clothing and other items go a long way in helping people in need, donating is better f

The Right Clothes for an Outdoor Job

A modern worker will need a number of resources to do his or her job correctly, and not just the actual skills and expertise. A person may also need the right tools and vehicles for a job, such as outdoor workers, and those who work outdoors will often need the right clothing for basic safety. Construction workers, for example, will need clothing that can handle very hot or cold weather, not to mention clothing and gear that protects a worker from hazards like fumes, dust, heat sources, and vehicles. A worker may face a number of hazards on a site such as a construction project, or when working on a highway. An Under Armour job shirt can help a worker stay cool in the heat, and the fabric of an Under Armour job shirt may breathe well in summer months while working outdoors. This may help when a building under construction does not have its air conditioning system insta

Unsure Of What To Do With Those Pieces Of Clothing You No Longer Wear?

It happens to all of us, piles and bags of clothes that sit untouched because they just aren’t what we like anymore. With the changing sizes and temperatures within the United States, the average American goes through more clothing today than ever before. In fact, where most Americans some 50 years ago had a range of about 12 items of clothing to their name, the rate has now more than tripled. Most individuals have clothes that sit for years untouched in the back of their closets. What should you really be doing with that clothing that hasn’t been worn in years?

Charitable clothing donations is a great benefit for not only you but for those in need as well. By going through your closet you could be contributing to veterans donations and helping to clothe individuals who may not have the resources themselves to go and buy those items that you take for granted every day. By going through your closet and picking out those pieces that you know you just don’t use anymore you give a fr

Weddings Can Be Stressful Tips For Finding The Best Large Event Spaces For Your Special Day

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. That’s practically a motto when it comes to weddings and receptions!

Take a look at any successful wedding and you see all the hours, rejected drafts, and dreams that went into the process. Should you find yourself in the incredible position of needing to plan out a wedding, there are large event spaces ready and waiting to meet you halfway. You can choose party venues for those rambunctious, slapdash weddings or a seminar venue for something with several presentations. You name it, there are more than enough resources out there. It’s all a matter of organizing yourself.

Not sure how to buckle down and get started? Let’s take a look at some statistics and see just where you land.

Weddings Are Incredibly Popular In The United States

It might take you aback how popular weddings are. Despite lower marriage rates these past few deca

4 Tips To Finding Jeans That Fit

It should come as no surprise that the United States is the largest denim market in the world, worth $13.7 billion. Jeans are one of those wardrobe staples that everyone…

Taking A Much Closer Look At The History And Importance Of Sunglasses Here In The United States

Here in the United States, how to protect our skin from the sun’s potentially harmful effects is relatively common knowledge. After all, there has been much research done on the subject, surrounding both things like the use of tanning beds as well as natural sun exposure. Most of us now know that wearing sunscreen and keeping our skin as covered and out of the sun as is reasonable or possible is of a huge importance, as is going to the doctor whenever a change in skin, such as the development of or change in a mole, is noted.

But protecting our eyes is just as important as protecting our skin, especially since the sun has the potential to have ah hugely damaging impact on unprotected eyes, particularly over the course of time. Fortunately, sunglasses are more widely available than ever before – and do a better job of blocking the sun’s harmful rays than ever before as well. There is certainly no doubt about it that sunglasses play an important role from the youngest of people here